Wake Up!
Come and cross the Bridge of Light
to a new consciousness and world
A spiritual journey
Personal experience
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“Our imagination is stretched to the utmost, not, as in fiction, to imagine things which are not really there, but just to comprehend those things which are there.”
Richard Feynman
About the Book
When We Wake Up
Anything is Possible
"We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.”
Neils Bohr
This journey takes place in silence.
Silence is the portal to the world of the Unknown. Silence is magic and the well spring of all treasure. Can you hear the silence? Can you feel it, sense it? Can you hear or feel the vast field of awareness in which all lives?
Silence, like our spiritual path, is a portal, a steppingstone. It gives access to a vast and magical world. Without silence, this world may be hard to access.
It can be hard to find silence in our world. There is noise everywhere. External noise from TV, radio, people talking, sirens, dogs barking, etc. There is also much internal noise, such as emotions, planning, thinking, judging, and holding speeches and monologues in our minds.
Even though it is drowned out by noise much of the time, silence is around us always and everywhere. However, we don’t relate to it very much. We live on the other side of silence – the noisy side. We live on the side that is full of things, words, thoughts, and emotions. We need this to feel safe; we hold on to it as if it is our anchor. However, this anchor can take us down and we may be lost to the vastness of silence.
The journey described in the book came upon me like a bolt out of the blue. It came after years of prayer, meditation, and doing other spiritual practices, as well as a lot of living and therapy. It is the culmination of much exploration and work.
My cat Buffalo Billy was the catalyst for the journey. He answered the call and brought pure magic into my life.
Everyone will get something else out of the book, but I hope that if you get one thing, it is the call to wake up and begin the great adventure of life. Because life only really begins when we wake up, when we feel the love and see the beauty around us and begin to explore the great Unknown that brings an unlimited potential.
Some of the work described in the book is the preparation for a world to come, a new world, an awakened world. It is up to us if we join it or stay where we are.
So "I" ask you again, as in the book, "Come and step onto the Bridge of Light, come and enter a different consciousness and world."
As I continue to focus on the Solar Disc, it appears like an egg yolk with pale yellow colour. The sun disc suddenly becomes eclipsed by a dark circle and a great black hole yawns in the center. I see a snake in the dark void. It has a large head, a mouth with full teeth, and it looks fierce. It glides out of the darkness towards me.
This snake is enormous.
It is bigger than a walkway used to board an airplane, taller than I am, and wide enough to accommodate a few people. The snake’s skin has a pattern of red and black colours. The head is ornate, beautiful, as if jeweled, and the eyes look like scintillating gems. This is a Jewel Snake. The head is snake-like with a hint of dragon and lizard.
This is a creature of a different order; it is alien, not part of the human world. I have never seen or felt anything like it. The energy is cool and crisp. This being is powerful and has a clear, sharp, and stark beauty. My immediate human response to this creature is the flash of thought it is perhaps evil. But it is not. Its otherworldliness and fierceness make it appear that way to my human self. This is a creature outside of my conceptual world. It is beyond the human concept of beauty or whether it is good or evil, nice or not nice. It is pure. This snake is of the subtle world and is what it is. To someone who is not ready to encounter this being, it may appear evil, to someone who is, it is primordial beauty and purity of the subtle realms.
There is much
to explore and discover
right inside of us. Our bodies
and beings contain the entire
universe. There are infinite worlds
to discover and the great Unknown that unifies all the worlds. From there
flows the love that makes all
the worlds and is the
substance of